30 Things I Love About Ryan
Hey social media! If we didn’t post for Ryan’s birthday, would it really be her birthday? Lol jk yes of course it would!! But since she is turning 30, I want to tell y’all 30 things I love about her...I know not everyone has the privilege of knowing this amazing human, so I hope this is fun for you.
She has a heart of gold and cares for the people she loves so fiercely. She will ride for you and defend you until the ends of the earth, and she will stand up for you even in the face of danger.
She has a great sense of humor and can cackle with me over the silliest things all day long.
She is a thinker. The way she processes life and information is really striking, and her deep connection to her thoughts and emotions comes out as extreme wisdom.
She knows and reveres the Most High as Creator of the world, Redeemer of humankind, and Sustainer of life. She prays for me, for us, for our families and for the world we live in.
She is not afraid to feel; she tells her truth and names her hurt and pain in a way that challenges others to look deeply at themselves and locate their own hurt. It also challenges us to take responsibility for our actions and grow from there. In that way, her authentic existence is resistance.
She marches to the beat of her own drum. Y’all see the way she dresses? She does what makes her comfortable and does not apologize for it. She has piercings, tattoos, gauges, and colored hair, and she is so FREE!
She is daring. She does the scary thing and says the difficult thing because she knows that living in fear does not serve her.
She is an artist. Her gift to draw, paint, and design is so natural, and I am always in awe of what she creates.
She is a lifelong learner. She is always reading and researching in pursuit of new knowledge to broaden her worldview and increase her understanding and empathy for others.
She is beautiful. Yes, externally, but also internally...she has a sweet spirit and she is a giver and a lover. She does not exert her will onto others nor does she judge them harshly or dispose of them.
She is patient. She understands that good things do not always happen overnight, and she is so patient and gracious as the people around her learn and develop in our own time.
She wants to see everyone get ahead. She does not mind sharing her gift, her skills, or her tips with others in her field...she is quick to let others know what has helped her. She is the epitome of lift as we climb.
She is family-oriented. She has a love for natural and chosen family, and while she understands that family systems can be extremely difficult to navigate, she sees the good that some families produce and desires to break cycles, maintain healthy connections and produce generations.
She is grounded. She knows where her true north is and does not stray too far from that. She is open to other understandings of the world but always rooted in her values.
She is adventurous. She is open to trying new things, taking on new challenges, and shifting direction when it just feels right. She is not bound and shackled by tradition for tradition’s sake, and knows that there is life, love, and beauty in growth.
She is balanced. Sometimes she is easygoing and sometimes she is uptight, but it always evens out. She cares about the right things and lets go of the things that aren’t that important. She has a healthy view of her life.
She is teachable. Whether it is her supervisor, our families, our spiritual parents, our friends, a movie, or a song, she knows that all things have something to teach her, and she does not insist in her own way.
She is contemplative. Through prayer, writing, meditation, breathwork, or movement, she spends a lot of time reflecting on what is, what was, and what is to come. She moves and acts deliberately, and knows that each new day is an opportunity.
She is merciful. She does not hold grudges or force people to grovel at her feet for forgiveness. Instead, she lavishes mercy onto people in a way that forces you to stop and think about what you deserve.
She is responsible. For her belongings, her actions, her words, and all that she has. She is a good steward of what the Most High has entrusted to her, and while she is open and ready to receive abundance, she does not selfishly seek excess.
She practices and prioritizes self-love. She cares for her body, her mind, and spirit as the gifts that they are and takes all of the measures she needs to, to protect them. Whether by playing basketball, taking a walk, drinking water, meditating, stretching, sitting still, resting, or eating a snack, she honors the home she was given to navigate this earthly experience.
She has a growth mindset. She knows that she has to take responsibility for becoming who she was created to be, and that life and death are in the power of the tongue. She speaks life over herself and is exchanging the limits that others have put onto her for the fullness of life that the Most High promised her.
She is a protector. She is brave, determined, and sacrificial while making sure her own cup stays full. She makes those around her feel safe to let their walls down and know that she will not harm them. I can’t wait to watch her excel at parenthood.
She is hardworking. She admits that some things are difficult for her, and she tries again and again until she gets it. She might be learning a specific chord for days or sketching a picture five times before she likes it enough, but she does not give up.
She is full of life. There is this light in her eyes that makes every day even brighter. She has a joy that cannot be quelled, and a smile, a laugh, and excitement that are contagious. I love every day with her. Even the difficult days are better with her in them.
She is a cheerleader and a supporter of people trying. You do not have to be the best as what you do, but Ryan will affirm you, support you, and celebrate you just for making the effort. She makes people believe in themselves.
She is a great listener. You can spill your heart to her and walk away knowing that you’ve been heard and understood. She won’t look at you like you don’t make sense, and she will always try to put herself in your shoes. She always sees multiple sides to a situation and gives empathy at times when most people would not.
She leaves room for others. She has her own way of doing things, many things she is particular about, yet is always willing to give space for others to do it differently. She sees beauty in differences.
She is not afraid of her growth edges. She does not let a shortcoming or a hang-up become a barrier or roadblock to growth. She has set her eyes on love, freedom, joy, and creativity, and knowing the path will not always be smooth, she presses forward.
She is one-of-a-kind. Meeting Ryan was the best chance encounter of my life. Loving her, growing with her, and committing to her have been the best decisions of my life and this is because she is simply unlike any other person I have met. I told you 29 other reasons I love her, but this one really sums them all up. She is a person on a journey to becoming her best self, and she knows that journey is not easy. That does not stop her from being loving, loyal, patient, merciful, and kind to herself and others. On the journey, she has found time to nurture her spirit, her body and her mind, and work on her crafts. There is so much life, beauty, and greatness all wrapped up in this one person, and doing life with her is a great joy. If you have not had the chance to meet Ryan, that might be something you want to do...she is an introvert though so get in line.
Thanks for reading this y’all. Wish her a Happy Birthday :)